Our primary goal in this phase is to reduce pain, and begin range of motion correction. Beginning with your initial exam with one of our chiropractors, we will develop a customized care plan to approach your specific case. Our providers will recommend any pertinent modalities to maximize your rate of recovery, like the addition of shockwave, spinal decompression, or take home products.
Our primary goal in this phase is to restore full range of motion, and correct the movement patterns that hinder your optimal health. In this phase, we want to stabilize your condition and begin to address the specific injuries or areas of your daily life that created your problem in the first place. We want to address any movement or ergonomic faults, that led to or worsened your injury, and correct them for the long term.
At this phase, you will be graduating to new levels of health and performance. The final step in our process is to not only recover from the ailments that brought you into our clinic, but achieve your best physical health yet. We expect you to be on a maintenance treatment program in office, and working independently toward specific goals in health and performance.
I was a former Division 1 athlete who got sports therapy for free and was looking to replicate the same level of care outside of college and this place is more than amazing!
I came for a quick adjustment and the staff was super nice and took the time to explain everything in detail. Everyone was super nice and extremely professional.
For me, shockwave combined with adjustments has been a game changer. I strained my left pectoral muscle and after 2 treatments I was already feeling 80% back to normal.
The doctors are extremely knowledgeable and are very versatile with helping with all aches and pains. You always walk out feeling much better than when you walked in. It is an awesome group of people that work to keep you healthy and feeling great!